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Andrea Celenza, PhD Training and Supervising Analyst, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute Faculty, NYU Post-Doctoral Porgram in Psychoanalysis and The Florida Psychoanalytic Center Assistant Clinical Professor, Harvard Medical School 781.652.8944

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Andrea Celenza, PhD Training and Supervising Analyst, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute Faculty, NYU Post-Doctoral Porgram in Psychoanalysis and The Florida Psychoanalytic Center Assistant Clinical Professor, Harvard Medical School 781.652.8944

Home Page Online Lecture

This is a one and a half-hour video-recorded powerpoint lecture on the subject of sexual boundary violations and how they come about. It is a distillate of my teaching on this subject and is aimed at mental health practitioners of all disciplines. It is the perfect addition to any ethics course and/or can be viewed […]