Books/Textbooks for the medical or scientific community
- Celenza, A. [author] Erotic Transference: A Contemporary Introduction. In Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis. London: Routledge, in press.
- Celenza, A. [author] Transference, Love, Being: Essential Essays from the Field. London: Routledge, 2022.
- Celenza, A. [author] 성적 경계 위반 : 치료, 감독 및 학업 적 맥락 Sexual Boundary Violations: Therapeutic, Supervisory, and Academic Contexts. [2nd edition]. South Korea: Somnium Publishing.
- Celenza, A. [author] Erotic Revelations: Clinical Applications and Perverse Scenarios. New York: Routledge; 2014.
- Celenza, A. [author] Sexual Boundary Violations: Therapeutic, Supervisory, and Academic Contexts. [2nd edition]. New York: Jason Aronson; 2011.
- Celenza, A. [author] Sexual Boundary Violations: Therapeutic, Supervisory, and Academic Contexts. New York: Jason Aronson; 2007.
Peer Reviewed Publications in print or other media
38. Celenza, A. and Schwartz, M. (Eds.) (in press). Contemporary Papers on Perversion: Introduction. American Imago.
37. Celenza, A. (in press). Hope: That thing with feathers. American Imago.
36. Celenza, A. (2022). Necessary suffering, bravery of prey: Commentary on Dominant perversions; perverse dominance: Eroticized schemata and dissociative phenomena in the case of Daniel. Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 19: 96-107.
35. Celenza, A. (2022). Psychoanalysis and #MeToo: Where are we in this movement? International Journal of Controversial Discussions, 2(1):48-71.
34. Celenza, A. (2022). Stance, set, transferences: Differentiating two modes of clinical technique. Journal American Psychoanalytic Association, 70(2): 283-305.
33. Celenza, A. (2022). Maternal erotic transferences and the work of the abject. Journal American Psychoanalytic Association, 70(1): 9-38.
32. Celenza, A. (2021). Lecciones aprendidas en o sobre el sofá: Lo que las violaciones de los límites sexuales pueden enseñarnos sobre la práctica cotidiana. org, Una publicación del Sociedad Española de Psicoanálisis (SEP- IPA).
31. Celenza, A. (2020). Righting a wrong: A commentary on “The poetics of boundary violations: Anne Sexton and her psychiatrist” by Charles Levin and Dawn Skorczewski. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 30:222-229.
30. Celenza, A. (2020). Embodiment and the Perversion of Desire. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 89(3):369-398.
29. Celenza, A. (2019). From Relation to the Field: Unconscious Fantasy Elaborations. International Forum for Psychoanalysis, 28(4):203-221.
28. Celenza, A. (2018). From Relation to the Field: Unconscious Fantasy Elaborations. Il Poppante Saggio, in press.
27. Celenza, A. (2017). Lessons learned on or about the couch. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2017, 34(2):157-162.
26. Celenza, A. (2016). Different strokes in boundary artistry. Commentary on Cooper’s Blurring boundaries or Why do we refer to sexual misconduct with patients as “Boundary Violation.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2016, 26:215-222.
25. Celenza, A. (2013). Maternal erotic transferences and merger wishes. Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 2013, LIX, 4, 1-18.
24. Celenza, A. (2013). Perverse female relating: The objectified self. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 2013, 49: 586-605.
23. Celenza, A. (2012). Reading Jessica. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 2012, 13:1–6.
22. Celenza, A. (2010). The analyst’s needs and desires. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2010; 20:60-69.
21. Celenza, A. (2010). Similarities with a (crucial) difference: Reply to commentaries by Shapiro and Marshall. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 2010; 11(4): 200-204.
20. Celenza, A. (2010). The guilty pleasure of erotic countertransference: Searching for radial true. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 2010; 11(4): 175-183.
19. Celenza, A. (2010). Mutual influence in contemporary film. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 2010; 46(2); 215-223.
18. Celenza, A. (2008). Rehabilitation of Sexual Boundary Transgressors: A Humane and Knowledge-Based Approach. Psychiatric Times 2008; 25:36-43.
17. Celenza, A. (2007). Analytic love and power: Responsiveness and responsibility. Psychoanalytic Inquiry 2007; 27(3); 287-301.
16. Celenza, A. (2006). The threat of male-female erotic transference. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 2006; 54(4):1207-1232.
15. Celenza, A. (2005). Sexual boundary violations: When is a couch just a couch? Psychoanalytic. Dialogues 2005; 16:113-128.
14. Celenza, A. (2005). Vis a vis the couch: Where is psychoanalysis? International. Journal of Psychoanalysis 2005; 86:1-14.
13. Celenza, A. (2005). Sexual boundary violations: How do they happen? Directions in Psychiatric Nursing 2005; 11(10);113-121.
12. Celenza, A. (2005). Sexual boundary violations: How do they happen? Directions in Rehabilitation Counseling 2005; 15(1):1-8.
11. Celenza, A. (2005). Sexual boundary violations: How do they happen? Directions in Psychiatry 2005; 25(14): 141-149.
10. Celenza, A., Gans, S., and Woolley, S.T. (2004). Love, psychosis and boundaries: A resident’s first psychotherapy case. Harvard Review of Psychiatry 2004; 12:1-12.
9. Levine, H.B., Yanof, J.A., Brockman, D.D., Brunkow, K., Celenza, A., et al. (2004). Boundaries and postanalytic contacts in institutes. Journal American Psychoanalytic Association 2004; 52(3), 873-901.
8. Celenza, A. (2004). Sexual misconduct in the Clergy: The search for the father. Gender and Sexuality 2004; 5(2):213-232.
7. Celenza, A. and Gabbard, G.O. (2003). Analysts who commit sexual boundary violations: A lost cause? Journal American Psychoanalytic Association 2003; 51(2):617-636.
6. Gabbard, G., Peltz, M., Brockman, D.D., Brunkow, K., Celenza, A., et al. (2001). (2001). Speaking the unspeakable: Institutional reactions to boundary violations by Training Analysts. Journal American Psychoanalytic Association 2001; 49(2), 659-673.
5. Celenza, A. (2000). Postmodern solutions and the limit-opportunity dialectic: The challenge of female penetration and male receptivity. Gender and Psychoanalysis 2000; 5(4), 347-359.
4. Celenza, A. (2000). Sadomasochistic relating: What’s sex got to do with it? Psychoanalytic Quarterly 2000; 69:3, 527-543.
3. Celenza, A. (1998). Precursors to therapist sexual misconduct. Psychoanalytic Psychology 1998; 15:3, 378-395.
2. Celenza A. (1995). Love and hate in the countertransference. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1995;32(2):301-307.
1. Celenza A. (1991). The misuse of countertransference love in cases of sexual intimacies between therapists and patients. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1991; 8:501‑509.
Research investigations
- Celenza A, Hilsenroth M. A Rorschach investigation of sexualized dual relationships. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 1997;61(1):1-20.
Non-peer reviewed scientific or medical publications/materials in print or other media:
Reviews, chapters, monographs and editorials:
23. Celenza, A. (in press). Transgressions are us. In Elephants Under the Couch and the Unspoken, Introduction to Part II: Pushing the envelope: How far is too far? London: Routledge.
22. Foehl, J., Lovett, C., and Celenza, A. (2022). Concepts of The Field. Inter-regional Encyclopedia Psychoanalysis.(IRED).
21. Celenza, A. (2021). Shadows that corrupt: Present absences in the psychoanalytic process. In Charles Levin (Ed.), Sexual Boundary Trouble in Psychoanalysis: Clinical Perspectives on Muriel Dimen’s Concept of the “Primal Crime,” [pp. 77-93], New York, NY: Routledge.
20. Celenza, A. (2021). Erotic transferences and countertransferences in sexual boundary violations: An interview with Andrea Celenza. In A. Steinberg, J. L. Alpert and C.A. Courtois (Eds.), Sexual Boundary Violations in Psychotherapy: Therapist Indiscretions, Transgressions, and Misconduct. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
19. Celenza, A. (2020). Erotic countertransference revelations. In S. Akhtar (Ed.), Eroticism: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms. New York: Routledge.
18. Celenza, A. (2019). The present absence of desire in a dead body. In S. Brody and F. Arnold (Eds.), Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Women and Their Experience of Desire, Ambition and Leadership, pp. 40-47, London and New York: Routledge.
17. Celenza, A. (2018). Enactments: The good fight. In Clinical Moments, L. Kuttnauer and R. Tuch (Eds.), Conundrums and Predicaments in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis: The Clinical Moments Project, pp. 122-125, London: Routledge.
16. Celenza, A. (2017). Book Review: A teaching anthology: The Interpersonal Perspective in Psychoanalysis, 1960s-1990s: Rethinking Transference and Countertransference. B. Stern and I. Hirsch (Eds.), New York: Routledge. In Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 53(4):602-607.
15. Celenza, A. (2016). The art of night country. Book Review: Entering Night Country: Psychoanalytic Reflections on Loss and Resilience by Stephanie Brody (2016), New York: Routledge. In Rivista di Psicoanalisi, 62(3):799-802.
14. Celenza, A. (2017). Desiring the known, unknown and unknowable. Book Review: The Enigma of Desire: Sex, Longing and Belonging in Psychoanalysis by Galit Atlas (2016), New York: Routledge. In Journal of Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 14:249-251.
13. Celenza, A. (in press). Shadows that corrupt: Present absences in psychoanalytic process. In Boundary Trouble: Psychosexual Violations and Intimacy in Psychoanalysis. Charles Levin (Ed.), in press.
12. Celenza, A. (2011). Touching the patient. In Unusual Interventions: Alterations of the Frame, Method, and Relationship in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Salman Akhtar (Ed.), pp. 165-176, London, Karnac; 2011.
11. Celenza, A. (2011). Book Review: Psychodynamic Techniques: Working with Emotion in the Therapeutic Relationship. Karen Maroda, Division/Review, Winter; 2011.
10. Celenza, A. (2009). Ethics Forum: Romantic relationships and boundaries. Psychologist/Psychoanalyst, Division 39, American Psychological Association, Fall; 2009.
9. Celenza, A. (2009). Book Review: False Self: The Life of Masud Khan. Linda Hopkins, American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2009. 69:87-91.
8. Celenza, A. (2007). A ‘Love Addiction’: Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with an offending priest. In: Predatory Priests, Silenced Victims: The Sexual Abuse Crisis and the Catholic Church. M.G.Frawley-O’Dea and V. Goldner, editors. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press; 2007, 59-72.
7. Celenza, A. (2007). Forward. In: Escape from Selfhood: Breaking Boundaries and Craving for Oneness, by Ilany Kogan. London, England: International Psychoanalytic Association; 2007.
6. Celenza, A. (2005). Book Review: Clinical Values: Emotions That Guide Psychoanalytic Treatment, by Sandra Buechler, International Journal of Psychoanalysis; 2005, 86:1755-1757.
5. Embry, B. and Celenza, A. (2002). The entrepreneur’s relation to power: Embrace it or let it go? In: R.D. Norton, ed. Creativity and Leadership in the 21st Century Firm. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science Ltd, 2002, 47-56.
4. Celenza, A. (2000). To be ‘in it with’ or not to be ‘in it with’: A rhetorical question. Psychotherapy Forum; 2000. 7(1): 2-4.
3. Celenza, A. (1995). Boundaries in therapy. Psychotherapy Forum; 1995. 1(2):2-3.
2. Garrido P, Celenza A, Levy M. (1993). Chronic alcoholism and associated dementia. In: Ellison J, Weinstein C, Hodel‑Malonofsky, T, eds. Psychotherapist’s Guide to Neuropsychiatric Patients. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press; 1993. 255-277.
1. Celenza A. (1993). Toward an integration of the mind and brain. In Ellison J,Weinstein C and Hodel‑Malonofsky, T, eds. Psychotherapist’s Guide to Neuropsychiatric Patients. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press; 1993. 617-632.